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Sooooo I have a room to rent obvs. Council tax band C.
I share my house with a Romanian rescue German Shephard cross called Thelma (she's not as big as you are imagining).
We're looking for someone to help us share the cost of this 3 bedroom property that I have had the pleasure of being in for a couple of years now.
I am looking for someone to live with till March 2025 and if we do get on then look for another place together for the foreseeable.
Things you should know before you consider.
A bit about me first I love to socialise and meet new people so you are more than welcome to have people over every now and again but not everyday as I like my own space every now and again. I get on with most people and do like a party now and again but not everyday or weekend. I like my quiet nights in watching films and TV. I have no restrictions on wherever you wanna be in the house what is mine is yours to use.
I am a pretty blunt guy with a great sense of humour there's no grey with me what you see is what you get which has got me in to trouble a few times where i have offended someone without realising, so if you are easily offended please do not consider because you will probably not like me which I don't go out my way to do!
I am pretty chilled but I do like the house to be tidy but not show room standard (blame the dog).
If you don't like dog hair again not the place for you Thelma sheds a lot of hair being the mix breed she is and with 3 coats a year you can just imagine buying shares in Henry hoovers is the right thing to do!
I do like a drink - not everyday but we have some great pubs nearby that clearly need our support. I also like a glass of wine with dinner again not everyday.
I do like to cook and happy to share responsibility of who cooks when to make it fair then the other person does the washing up sorry no dishwasher.
I am currently an ops manager for a leisure centre so yes cheap gym membership can also be arranged if it all works out.
I would now and again need support for Thelma, I am more than happy for you to walk her if you wish that's entirely up to you but she is my responsibility and would never lumber her with you unless I am away. I may ask you to feed my dog now and again when I am working late but that's only once a week currently.
Thelma is my rock she's helped me through a lot and she has a lot of love to give she loves a play fight she also loves anyone that will give her attention. She's probably the only dog that can give you a hug and you actually feel the love she has for you. She's really grateful.
Shows I currently like - Bad boys, Vikings Valhalla, I love a good war film and true story dramas and stand up comedy is well up there for something to do.
I do like to go to the theatre too so if you share that interest this is a bonus.
Enough about me the room. Though quite small it is fully furnished and you can put your own identity and paint and do what you wish to it we don't even need to change it back when we move in March.
You are not confined to your room either so you can use the house as if it is yours just if we are sharing the TV let's choose something we both want to watch. Everything is shared just as long as you put your fair share in - if you use it up replace it as simple as that but don't take the p**s cos I will soon tell you but happy to discuss the arrangements when it comes to food etc.
So about you - Please don't be a miserable c**t life's what you make of it at the end of the day and walking round all gloom and doom is not for me! I WILL ask if you are okay and that will get annoying for you! Please be social able my friends or though a bit mental are friendly and don't bite so come join in if you so wish.
Vegans are welcome but I do like my meat so don't be preaching at me because we will not get on!
If you like to smoke no problem just all smoking outside please not in the house. I am drug friendly just don't be a crack head.
If you love a board game or two or play the Xbox then you will be in heaven as I have loads to choose from.
You should be comfortable with your own sexuality and can handle it when i get a bit camp (usually after a drink or two) I am gay but I am quite old school in my opinions and without offending everyone They and Them still confuses me but I am not a dick about it, it just will take me a bit of getting used to and patience again if you are easily offended please don't even bother because I really hate upsetting people over a misunderstanding.
Be honest if you don't like something I do tell me I can't fix it if you tell everyone else but me? I might not agree with your opinion but I will certainly respect it.
In Summary - be clean - no one likes a smelly person and I will soon tell you. be tidy but come on we can all have a lazy day, be fun - because we are all gonna die at some point, be involved - let's start a great friendship be you - don't be fake ill soon work it out. be trustworthy - Nothing worst than living with someone who you cant trust.
If this sounds like your thing get in touch lets see if we click and like my set up - Always up for an excuse for a pint.
pics to follow when I get permission from the existing housemate who is sadly leaving due to work commitments but take a chance if you want to....
  • £650 pcm (double)
Minimum term
1 month
Maximum term
6 months
Extra cost
Bills included?
Disabled access
Living room
Broadband included
Current household
# housemates
Total # rooms
Any pets?
music, travelling, cooking, socialising, food, cinema, theatre, gaming, swimming, tv, pubs, wine, going out, animals, comedy
LGBT household
New housemate preferences
Couples OK?
Smoking OK?
Pets OK?
Don't mind
Min age
Max age
Males preferred
current flatmate

Last active: 17 hours ago | Response rate: Average

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