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  • Alex
  • 24, male
  • Double room wanted

Total budget: £700 pcm


Hey potential flatmate
I'm looking for a new living situation. I’m a clean, considered, empathetic and respectful person. I’m very adaptable and can adjust to meet others needs very well. I’m more than happy to respect others space but simultaneously can be around to talk and chat if we’re both in the mood. I enjoy my own space but equally like to get together for meal times, movies or going for walks/trips in town or out of town. I’m a bit of a horticulturalist, ecology/mycology, conservation and sustainability are high on my priorities.

I’m outgoing and sociable, if you want to have friends over I’m very adaptable and get on with all people and happy to cook for others. I’m passionate about art, photography and am a very aesthetic person. I’m looking for some full time gardening work for the summer as I’ve been studying politics part time, whilst doing some volunteering on the side. I try and get out the flat and do things but equally enjoy sitting at home reading or playing the acoustic guitar.

I like to learn and challenge myself. Currently in the process of learning Italian and speak a small amount of Spanish. I'm a very relaxed person but equally enjoy philosophical/political conversations.

On days off I like to skirmish around the city on my bike taking photographs of botanics and whatever else that catches my eye. I'm a passionate cook and prioritise good ingredients. I enjoy foraging for seasonal goods and making ferments. Im adventurous and enjoy spending time out camping in the highlands.

I enjoy the occasional glass of wine and going out for dinner to nice places, I’ll occasionally got to the pub if it’s to meet friends but it’s something I do too less frequently these days as my drinking days are progressively further and further behind me.

Let me know if you’d like to know more or think we’d be a good fit:)
20 Aug 2024
Minimum term
8 months
Maximum term
36 months
Looking in
  • Edinburgh
Amenities required
  • furnished room
  • en-suite
  • shared living room
  • broadband
  • garden/roof terrace
  • balcony
About me
Any pets?
New household preferences
Smokers OK?
Pets OK?
Don't mind
Min age
Max age
No preference specified

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