Average Rent in the UK
Average rent in the UK (Q2 2024) is £740 pcm. If you exclude inner London it's £656 pcm.
Average rents by region
Region | Average monthly room rent Q1 2024 | Average monthly room rent Q1 2023 | Annual change Q1 2024 vs Q1 2023 |
East Anglia | £662 | £623 | 6% |
East Midlands | £562 | £542 | 4% |
North East | £544 | £516 | 5% |
North West | £609 | £559 | 9% |
Northern Ireland | £557 | £518 | 8% |
Scotland | £696 | £638 | 9% |
South East | £735 | £692 | 6% |
South West | £655 | £620 | 6% |
Wales | £578 | £544 | 6% |
West Midlands | £562 | £528 | 6% |
Yorkshire and Humberside | £560 | £535 | 5% |
London | £983 | £972 | 1% |
UK | £740 | £703 | 5% |
UK (excl London) | £656 | £614 | 7% |
SpareRooms Quarterly Rental Index compares data from Q2 2024 with Q2 2023, based on around 200,000+ UK room ads (inclusive of bills). Sample size is the combined total across both periods. Towns/cities/postcodes with a sample size of under 50 have been excluded from this report. London data covers E, EC, N, NW, SE, SW, W & WC postcodes.