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Lodgers and cleaning

We know differing standards of cleanliness can cause tension when living with a lodger. So, we've put together some practical tips to try and prevent issues, as having a lodger shouldn't mean you have to sacrifice a clean, tidy home.

Set clear expectations

From the outset, communicate your expectations regarding cleanliness. People have different standards and what's untidy or dirty to you might not be to someone else, so communication is everything. Discuss how you want the shared spaces to be - these conversations early on can prevent misunderstandings later.

Consider a cleaning schedule

Develop a cleaning schedule together that outlines responsibilities. This schedule could include larger tasks such as vacuuming or dusting - to smaller tasks like washing dishes and taking out the bin. If they have their own bathroom then that could be their sole responsibility. Rotating duties fairly means you're not going to get tired of cleaning up after someone.

Recognise effort

If you come home and find your lodger vacuumed or cleaned then acknowledge this. Recognising efforts can reinforce positive habits and strengthen your relationship.

Provide necessary supplies

Ensure that all cleaning supplies like disinfectants, sponges, and bin bags, are readily available and communicate where these live from the outset.

Address issues promptly

If you're concerned about cleanliness, address it promptly and openly before it has a chance to escalate. Try to come up with suggestions while also listening to your lodger’s perspective.

By implementing these suggestions and prioritising open communication, you can work together with your lodger to create a living environment that is clean and works for both of you.