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What will the event be like?

SpeedFlatmating is far more relaxed than it sounds. Firstly, it’s nothing like speed dating - no sitting awkwardly across a table, trying to squeeze all your questions into a five minute window. Everyone wears a badge with their name and either ‘I have a room’ or ‘I need a room’. All you have to do is circulate, enjoying a drink and chatting to likeminded people you might be able to live with. Events only last a couple of hours and are held in relaxed bars – making the experience an informal and fast way to meet lots of potential flatmates.

Who will be there?

Lots of people just like you, looking for a room or a flatmate. Everyone’s usually really friendly, making it a relaxed (and safe) environment to meet potential flatmates in. It’s totally normal to come alone (most people do!), but if you’re nervous about attending feel free to bring a friend along for moral support, as well as a useful second opinion. Or chat to one of the SpeedFlatmating staff when you arrive, who will put your mind at ease.

Are people around to help?

Of course! There’ll be plenty of SpareRoom staff buzzing around, so feel free to grab them and ask any questions.

Event tips

Looking for a room?

  • Figure out your budget and preferred location ahead of the event, and be honest about it on the night.
  • Get there early. The earlier you arrive, the more people you’ll meet. Simple!
  • Think about Buddying Up (see below) – finding the ideal housemate before you find the ideal home can make your hunt that little bit quicker.
  • Double check the cost of the rent and be careful with monthly calculations for rooms priced per week – simply multiplying by four won’t give you the right figure! There are lots of calculators online that can find the amount for you, or you can work it out yourself by multiplying the weekly rent by 52, then dividing it by 12.

Got a room to fill?

  • Get there early, so you can chat with the most people. If you’re filling a room in an existing share, try to all come down together to meet potential new flatmates.
  • Come armed with photos on your laptop or phone so you can show the room off.
  • Do your research so you’ve got plenty to chat about. Potential flatsharers will want to know what they’ve got on their doorstep, so have some knowledge of transport links, gyms, shops, restaurants and green spaces nearby.
  • Memorise that weekly or monthly rent price, so you can seamlessly reel it off (you’d be amazed how many people don’t)!

Buddying up

Buddy Ups are people looking for a room who’d also be interested in chatting to other flatmates to form a group and search for suitable whole properties to rent together. This can be a great way to find your ideal room with flatmates you like – a little less daunting for some than searching alone.

  • Chat to EVERYONE, whether they’re wearing an “I have a room” badge or an “I need a room” badge – you’ll increase your chance of finding someone perfect.
  • Don’t rule out people with different budgets. Most houses have rooms with varying sizes, so it’s perfectly normal to split the rent to reflect room size and desirability.

Safety at viewings

If you’re looking for a room to rent

  • Got an invite to see a property? Great. Stay safe and either take a friend along when you go to view it or let someone know where you’re going. It will also help to have a second opinion.
  • Try to meet all your potential flatmates at the viewing to give you a better sense of what living there is like.
  • Be wary of anyone asking you to pay a cash deposit or rent in advance of seeing the property.
  • If you’re unfamiliar with the area, try visiting at both day and night to give you a better sense of how safe the location is.

If you have a room to rent

  • It sounds obvious, but don’t give your full address or name to everyone you meet. Ask for both mobile and work numbers for prospective flatmates to give you extra security.
  • We’ve all been there: a few drinks in, and suddenly everyone’s coming back to yours to carry on. Avoid taking anyone back to see the property straight away – check them out properly after the event.
  • When you’ve set up a visit for a prospective flatmate, make sure you’re not in the house alone.
  • Once you’ve agreed to take someone on, don’t forget to get a reference from their previous landlord.
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